Thankfully, the TGS schedule aligns just enough for those with room in their morning schedules, depending on what coast you're on. Some fans are eager to find out more about their favorite franchises, but those in the West might worry they won't be able to watch the publisher's showcase because of the time difference between the U.S. One of the guests of honor is Capcom, the publisher of popular series like Street Fighter and Resident Evil. Tokyo Game Show returns this year with a Japanese-developer-filled showcase. Step 2: Once you've completed that Hub Quest, locate a new NPC on the bridge near the entrance to Kamura Village. You can also access some high-level gear that can make those early hunts a breeze.

If you wanted to do this as quickly as possible, note that you only need to do Hub Quests to reach this point, and no Village Quests are required. This quest is basically the final boss of the main game's story and has you track down and fight the Thunder Serpent Narwa. Step 1: Go through the main story until you complete the seven-star Hub Quest titled Serpent Goddess of Thunder. Here's exactly what you need to do to reach the new DLC content. Instead, this DLC is meant to slot in essentially near the endgame, at least in terms of the story for the base game.

Sunbreak isn't meant to be something new hunters can jump straight into if it's their first time booting up Monster Hunter Rise. Here's exactly what you need to do to access the new Sunbreak content in Monster Hunter Rise. While it isn't as esoteric and hidden as some other DLCs have been (we're looking at you Artorious of the Abyss for Dark Souls), you do need to meet some requirements before you can see all the new content you paid for. Instead, this new content is all integrated into the main game, which makes it a seamless integration but also leads to some confusion as to how to actually get to the new content. Unlike a lot of DLC, Sunbreak isn't something you can access separately from the main menu in Monster Hunter Rise. Complete up to Serpent Goddess of Thunder Hub Quest